Goleta, CA
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Fairview Shopping Center and Camino Real Marketplace
Goleta is home to many vibrant and diverse businesses. We value our business community and are currently working on an Economic Development strategy that will facilitate close collaboration with the City, the Santa Barbara South Coast Chamber of Commerce, and the entire business community.
Business Resources
Goleta has a long history of business with a high-tech focus. Burgeoning start-ups and more established companies have called Goleta home and honed in on the area due to its high quality of living, world-class educational offerings and entrepreneurial environment. The economic prosperity of the City is the result of providing opportunities for businesses to form and grow. The City will continue to support a strong business and technology base in an area populated by firms in the high-tech, defense, and medical product industries. By leveraging local strengths and providing resources and opportunities for collaboration among sectors, the City will be able to retain businesses, which will contribute to the quality of life in the community. Goleta is not only one of the safest cities in California, but also one of the best places for entrepreneurs and small businesses.