Make a difference by volunteering to help a local adult with reading, writing, math or English language skills. The Santa Barbara Public Library System’s Adult Literacy Program seeks volunteers who can serve once or twice a week as tutors at their local library. The next training for volunteers begins Monday, April 22. The three-session course will meet Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, April 22, 24, and 25, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. The tutor training course will meet at the Goleta Library, 500 N. Fairview Ave., in Goleta.
Free tutoring helps adult learners reach their goals, including improving job skills, studying for the GED test, or learning how to help their own children do homework. For the past 25 years, the Library’s literacy program has offered no-cost, one-to-one, flexibly scheduled tutoring at all library branches, and has helped thousands of local adults improve their life skills.
New volunteers must take nine hours of tutor training before being matched with a learner, and tutors are asked to make a six-month commitment to tutoring. To sign up for the training course, please call (805) 564-5619 or contact Turn your passion for learning into a positive step--and help someone who wants to learn something new!
For information about programs and services of the Santa Barbara Public Library System, visit the website at All library programs are free and open to the public.